Weekly Photo Challenge: Sunset

In response to the WordPress Daily Post’s Weekly Photo Challenge: Rise/Set

Snowdon Sunset
Padarn lake late evening awaiting sunset, looking towards Dolbadarn Castle and beyond to Snowdon north Wales, UK

London Sunset
The Houses of Parliament and Elizabeth Tower, commonly called Big Ben, are among Londons most iconic landmarks. Westminster Bridge is a road and foot traffic bridge over the River Thames, linking Westminster on the north side and Lambeth on the south side
Lake Sunset Snowdonia
Padarn lake winter sunset, looking towards snowcapped Snowdon mountain, Llanberis, north Wales, UK
Quarry Sunset Snowdonia
Sunset at Anglesey Barracks, they comprised two rows of 11 dwellings, served as accommodation for quarrymen, they would spend the week based in the barracks working in the quarry, leaving their homes very early on Monday morning and returning Saturday afternoon.
Conditions were spartan. Each two-room unit had a living area with a fireplace and a sleeping area for four men. Facilities were scant no running water, toilets or electricity.
Public-health inspectors closed down these barracks in 1948.
Dinorwic Quarry, Llanberis north Wales, UK
South Stack Lighthouse Anglesey
South Stack lighthouse is built on Ynys Lawd, a small rocky island just off the edge of Holy Island, which itself is an island just barely separate from the main part of Anglesey, north Wales, UK. To reach it you need to descend a switchback stairway running down the cliff face, over 400 steps down and 400 back up. At the bottom a bridge carries the visitor over a chasm to the island. A height of 41 metres the South Stack Lighthouse has warned passing ships of the treacherous rocks below since its completion in 1809.
Petronas Towers Sunset
Sunset capture of the Petronas Towers, also known as the Petronas Twin Towers, the tallest twin building in the world Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Completed 1 April 1994
Sunset Thailand
sunset view from Samui island to Som island over the gulf of Thailand
Quarry Sunset Snowdonia
The Dinorwic Slate Quarry is a large former slate quarry, located between the villages of Llanberis and Dinorwig in north Wales. It was the second largest slate quarry in the world, after the neighbouring Penrhyn Quarry.It covered more than 700 acres
In the background is Snowdon the highest mountain in Wales, at an altitude of 1,085 metres above sea level.

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10 thoughts on “Weekly Photo Challenge: Sunset

  1. […] Sunset Photos rising – Seventeen Syllable Poetry Musin’ With SusanMore Tropical Splendor! Weekly Photo Challenge: Sunset – Adrian Evans Photography Adai Hills – Fickle Fervor Stupidity HoleBetween a Tent and Chimneys Po’ Girl ShinesWeekly […]

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